
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How to Use Formulas for Success

By:Ralston Heath Date:2007-06-26

Every day we are assailed by ads and commercials about being successful. We also hear a never ending stream of advice from concerned people about what it takes to be successful at something. We hear ideas and formulas for guaranteed success from every direction. Yet a lot of people are still struggling to make ends meet, still wondering why they are not a success.

Well there are formulas that have been proven to work that solve all sorts of problems from animal care to catching fish, to getting a good nights sleep, to becoming the next millionaire on your block. Basically there is a formula for success for almost every given situation that concerns the human race and its endeavors.

Still there are many people who just cant seem to be or become successful. Why do you suppose that is? The reason why is; they are not following the formula.

Let us use Pythagoras theorem; you know the one: A squared plus B squared equals C squared. This theorem for finding the third side of a triangle is also a fine and dandy formula for figuring out distance. I have been around a few cannon and the theorem comes in very handy for placing an artillery shell where you need it. In the words of General Grant: There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of cannon. Alas I digress, so back on subject.

Pythagoras figured out the formula to solve a common problem and it works. It works every time if you follow the formula. Trying to change the formula will not get correct results. Trying to change the formula will just not work, the formula has to be used as Is in order to procure the desired result. Doing multi digit math in your head may be difficult for most of us so there are aids; like slide rules, calculators, and fire control computers. All designed to help you get the formula computed but none of them will help you mess up the formula. If you subtract instead of add; the results could be disastrous if not just a bit embarrassing.

So why do we all seem to want to mess up all the formulas for success? Laziness, or stubbornness, not being honest with yourself, or even ignorance. You have to realize that if the formula works, you only need to follow it to get the success you desire. If you wanted to be an Olympic triathlete, you should not expect to make the team while eating fat foods and sitting on the couch all day. No, you would have to actually get off the couch, go to practice, do what the coach tells you and then compete against other people who also want to be on the team. However for some reason most people think they can short cut their way to success, so they might jog around the block once and then wonder in dismay that the Olympic committee hasnt called them to represent their country next fall.

Not all formulas are instant gratification formulas. Some formulas take time to follow and achieve the desired results. Some are not as satisfying and immediate like solving a problem with a well placed shell, but they all will show results. The trick is to follow the formula, start to finish; getting the results you seek...

You can find these formulas all over the place and most are free; just do a search on your favorite internet engine and you will find thousands of formulas for just about every situation imaginable. You can find dog training, flower growing, house building, sledding, mountain climbing and so on. Find a formula that has been shown to work. For example if a person who has never seen or played football is trying to give advice on how to be a successful third back, you would steer away from that person as he obviously doesnt know anything. So find someone who had done what you want to do and follow their steps.

The differences you can make in formulas are the personal ones. After becoming the great baseball player, then you can break records and invent new shoes; but until then you have to follow the formula to become that great player.

So in reality it is very simple; find out what you want to do, find a formula and follow it.

Be Blessed.

How to Have Anything You Want

Ralston Heath recently retired from 25+ years of active duty. Now that his life is his own again, he is working to share with the world all he knows. Check him out on his blog

Self Improvement- Thinking Big

By:Luke Blaise Date:2007-06-26

If thinking big is so easy then dont more people do it? By thinking big all your problems will seem smaller, the air you breathe will be fresher, and food will taste better!

If you are like me almost everyday I hear people talking down about themselves and settling for less than what they could accomplish. For many people it is our own mind that is telling us this. In order to change this you need to change your negative conditioning and start thinking big.

For most people they have so little, what would they loose if they thought big and tried something new? If you have nothing to loose, why not go for it all? Some of you may be thinking, well I do have some things to loose if this thinking big does not work out. For most people they don't want to quit their job to start their own business. Look at all the jobs available right now. If you try and fail you can easily get another job again, and you are right back where you are now.

For most people what they are clinging on to is actually not that important and can be replaced easily, so let go and start thinking big. If you want to stay in your career path then start thinking about how to advance more rapidly, don't accept company norms for advancement, jump ahead of people.

You know people right now how are a lot richer and more successful than you. You probably also know that some of these people are not smarter than you. So why did these people get richer? They most likely thought big and took action, and took a leap of faith.

Start today and start thinking big, take action, and don't stop until you reach your goal.

Fierce Personal Success

The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha - The Fifth Chakra in The Body

By:G.B. Singh Date:2007-06-26

The fifth chakra, namely the throat chakra called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is located on the throat and neck where another muscle rigidity gives the shoulders their second slouch in the form of a droop as well as a habitual bend to the neck stopping the head from being held high.

It creates havoc!

It pulls the third eye down and robs vision and mind of their focus. It also pulls the crown chakra down and the dynamic focus out. It pulls the Bindu chakra to a shrunk eyebrow. It contracts the 2nd vertebra too. What more, it also contracts the solar plexus, the abdomen, and the pelvis! Still this is not what the on-off switch is. But it sure is a culprit!

Why do we live life with the shoulders drooping and the head held low? We do not have enough energy to keep them high?


We keep losing it in providing it to maintain the muscular contractions all through our body. The effect of what it is a cause of, too! It turns into a vicious circle. The cause and the effect reinforcing each other! The scapulae get stretched in a distorted way. They exert their pull on the neck also which gets distorted in another ugly way. The backbone turns into an inverted arch! The jaws are pulled down too, distorting their positioning in relation with each other. All this boils down to be an unconscious maneuver on the part of the body, which we start taking to be a natural phenomenon.

We turn old in our youth!

We are left with no energy even to lively communicate with our fellow beings on earth!

Vishuddha (the throat chakra) gets established!

Now, compare this description of Vishuddha (the throat chakra) with my personal experience of opening it while working with a lady whose upper chakras starting from Anahata and Vishuddha upward were affected more than her lower ones, i.e., Muladhara, Svadhisthana, and Manipura. This was where we left last time while working with her Anahata:

(I asked her to maintain this posture for a couple days before we could proceed further with our intervention of the body in the affairs of mind.

She came back with the complaint that she was feeling she had partially gone undressed while maintaining her shoulders open.

"Anahata does this to us. Vishuddha will do it even more. Are you ready for the next step?" - I asked her.

She paused for a few seconds.

During her pause, she was maintaining her shoulders wide open; which gave her bust a beautiful body-lift though it was still a partial one.

She was looking straight into my eyes. She took care not to let her shoulders go squeezed again. And then she said - "Yes, I am ready."

From Anahata we were to go to Vishuddha next.)

Then started the next session of the procedure. Now I asked her to take her open shoulders up without squeezing them before doing so. This automatically protruded her chin forward and up.

Her jaws went aligned with each other in their full length, from center to both the extremities up to the last dentures there. Her eyes started sparkling with a piercing shine as well as an engulfing glow in them. Her collarbones went aligned with her neck. Her scapulae went joined at her back, but only at their upper extremities.

The thrust of her palms had shifted from the outer edges at the mounts of moon to the inner edges at the mounts of Venus. Her solar plexus (at her diaphragm) had automatically gone up both at the center as well as on the side ribs, along. The length of her stomach in between her naval and her rib-center seemed to increase in length.

Now was the time for me to give her, her last push into the ultimate human body posture free from all the defects of transition from four-legged creatures to the two-legged ones; that our species on earth is!

I asked her to lengthen her abdomen in between her naval and her lowest point of the torso where it divided into the two legs - left and right - keeping the distance between the naval and the rib-center stretched as such; by protruding her hips further back.

She did the needful.

I asked her which point of her body was touching the chair most centrally that she was sitting on. She said it had changed to be the middle portion of her pelvis now. I again asked her which part of her body she was feeling she had centered around now. She said it was a point in her abdomen a little down her naval. In fact, she had centered on her HARA - some two inches below her naval. Her body was looking like a statue of beauty personified in the form of Venus herself!

"Are you ready for going to the next step from here, that opening Vishuddha has brought you in?" - I asked.

She did not take any time this time.

"Yes, I am ready." - immediate came her reply.

From Vishuddha we were to go to opening Ajna (the third eye) next.

Does this story not give the same description as of Vishuddha (the throat chakra) in a more day-to-day language?

Energy gets trapped in Vishuddha (the throat chakra), and is stopped from closing the loop.

Opening Vishuddha (the throat chakra) entails undoing the unconscious habit of keeping the shoulders drooping and the neck bending in two different ways in two different kinds of people, not as an exercise but as a way of life.

Vision therapy not only opens Vishuddha (the throat chakra) but all the 7 chakras through a very subtle on-off switch in the body in one single go, since they are all connected anatomically as well as physiologically.

By qualification, G B Singh is an electronics engineer, passionate to change the quality of life on earth.

He has decided to train people, free of charge, in the procedure of instant vision correction through opening their third eye instantaneously.

Contact him through to decide further program, together.